Carrie Mead, MS, LCPC
Baltimore, Maryland
Life Coach, Reiki and Mental Health Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and EFT Tapping
Stages of Grief

As a psychotherapist and certified life coach I have accompanied many people on their journey’s through the messiness of life.  Some people reach out to me in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy while others wait decades to seek healing from the grief of childhood atrocities.  I always aim to be present, empathetic, and supportive to my clients no matter what they are facing.  Like many helpers and healers, I am a wounded healer, so relating to people in the depths of despair is quite natural for me.  However, as I observe the events around racial and social injustices in America unfold, I find myself at a loss for words and understanding. I wonder how we will heal from this grief.

By now we all know the stories of people like Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Their combined hashtags on Instagram alone reach almost 3,000,000 and growing by the hour.  I observe in horror, like most Americans, the disgrace and injustices betrayed upon these black men, and countless others, at the hands of a merciless few and yet I have no idea how to proceed. I have no idea how to make a sustainable impact on our society, our leaders, our communities, or our collective unconscious in these turbulent and unjust times.



Healing Journey. Transformation Coaching

Welcome to spring 2020. Pollen, bluebirds and…. change is in air. We are muddling through unprecedented, scary, times together. We would rather be enjoying the extra daylight and warmer temperatures, but instead, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID19 outbreak a world health pandemic. Thus, our anxiety heightened to intolerable levels. Collectively, we began to imagine worst-case- scenarios as our retirement funds plummeted, schools closed, and jobs were lost. Our worst fears started to unfold before our eyes and we seemed powerless to stop the destructive path carved out by a tiny virus. Creating a healthy mindset in the midst of chaos is pivotal because COVID19-anxiety is real.

Continue reading “LETTING GO OF COVID19-ANXIETY”

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Use Discernment in Your Marriage.

Should I stay Married or get Divorced?
Carrie Mead, MS, LCPC 443.951.3986
Book a life coaching or counseling session now: 443.951.3986

Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well.  This is a beautiful and simple definition of an elegant term. It is clear and precise. It is impossible to be confused about what it means to use discernment with a definition like this. However, when your marriage or partnership is on the rocks, you will feel anything but clear and precise about the unspoken decisions you need to make. Divorce is emotionally, spiritually, and financially painful and, like most people, you will want to avoid this all costs.

Continue reading “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Use Discernment in Your Marriage.”

Using EFT Tapping to Reduce Stress

Emotional Freedom Technique and EFT Tapping

Tapping World Summit

I have been wanting to write about Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT Tapping for a long time now. The 12th annual Tapping World Summit [1] inspired me to get started. For 10 days, thought leaders in the world of psychology, medicine, science, and holistic healing came together to share insights and strategies for reducing stress using Emotional Freedom Technique.

Before I go any further, I want to say that I am not paid or rewarded for plugging this tapping event, I just love it and my clients love it too! The summit is free, completely online, packed full of amazing in-vivo EFT tapping experiences, and it will be attended by over 600,000 people annually. You can find out more at You also watch my quick YouTube tutorial on the EFT basics.

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Navigating the Seasons of Life

Using the seasons as a guide when you are in the midst of a major life transition

Life Coaching and Counseling 
Carrie Mead, MS, LCPC
Life Coach, Therapist, Reiki
Carrie Mead, MS
Transitions Coach & Reiki Practitioner
Carroll County, MD, USA

the seasons of life

At times, life is tough and at times, it is absolutely perfect.  Have you ever noticed the ebb and flow of the seasons of your own life?  There are times the stars align and everything you desire comes into fruition- a pay increase, a new romance, the perfect puppy… all at once.  You sit back and wonder how you got so lucky. You bask in the sunlight and abundance that life has afforded you. You keep working hard and enjoying the ride. You have a great work ethic and your friends know that they can count on you.  Life is good.  But we all know that’s not the whole story. Stress and anxiety are part of life too. But for now, let’s bask in the glory of the summer sun.

Continue reading “Navigating the Seasons of Life”

Were You Part of Divorce Day 2020?

Carrie Mead, MS, LCPC | Life Coach & Psychotherapist

If you are currently in a troubled marriage, you may have typed the term “divorce” into your internet browser recently. If so, you are not alone.  According to media outlets like the New York Times [1] and the London Evening Standard [2], search terms such as “how do I get divorced” peak and trend at various points throughout the year.  It is no surprise that early January, or the first Monday back to work in January to be exact, is one of the most popular days to search for answers about the legalities and formalities of getting divorced. This term also peaks in March. Most experts surmise that by March, people have gathered their information and made their decisions on whether or not to begin a divorce proceeding. So, will you be part of Divorce Day 2020?

Continue reading “Were You Part of Divorce Day 2020?”